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Soal Jawab ECDIS JRC Ujian Online Untuk Pelaut

Beberapa perusahaan pelayaran mewajibkan deck officer memiliki sertifikat ECDIS JRC Training. Pengambilan sertifikat ECDIS JRC melalui ujian online dan tidak bisa diwakili karena menggunakan foto identitas seperti KTP atau Pasport. Selain itu, selama ujian berlangsung kamera juga harus diaktifkan sehingga video ujian terekam oleh sistem hingga selesai.

Beberapa pelaut secara khusus bagi deck officer mengalami kesulitan dalam melewati ujian ECDIS JRC ini. Oleh karena itu penulis menyiapkan soal jawab ECDIS JRC yang dapat dijadikan sebagai pedoman ketika menghadapi ujian online dalam rangka pengambilan sertifikat ECDIS JRC.

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Soal Jawab ECDIS JRC

soal jawab ECDIS JRC ujian online untuk pelaut

Berikut ini adalah soal jawab ECDIS JRC yang saya rangkum dalam bentuk soal dan jawabannya, soal jawab ECDIS JRC ini perna saya gunakan dan bersyukur bisa lulus dan sertifikatnya pun terbit. 

1. Alert management

When an alert is triggered, the buzzer sounds according to the alert type. The alert message is displayed in the alert status indicator

How can an alarm or warning be acknowledged?


(02) By clicking on the alert status indicator

(04) by clicking (ACK) key from the operation panel

2. Sensors

After a manual position fix, you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position. Therefore, you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor.

What is the name of the checkbox that activities the secondary position on the chart?

(03) Display

3. WP 0 : 37 46 8 N

WP 1 : 37 45 9 N

WP 2 : 37 45 7 N

Turn radius : 1 Nm

Average speed : 16.8 Kn

What is the route distance and the total TTG?

Note : distances are rounded to one decimal of nautical miles and time is rounded to full minutes.

Sum up the TTG values for each leg.

(02) Total Distance 5.3 nm

(05) Time to go 00 : 18 h

4. route planning

Please load the route around Alcatraz

On which are dangers through aids to navigation detected ?

Note : please make sure that your ECDIS still uses the default settings, especially for the safety countor and the special condition areas if you have changed these setting or you are not sure if the settings are still set to the standard, please replace your virtual machine via helpme. The time for your test is stopped during the procedure.

(01) 2-3

(02) 3-4

5. Route monitoring

While maneuvering you want to display your ship with a true scale outline on the chart area.

Please open the menu, where you can switch the ships symbol.

Which types are available, in this specific ECDIS

(02) Symbol

(05) Outline (extend scale limit)

(06) Outline

6. Backup arrangements

An inspection asks you to playback information from the last voyage.

What is the name of the button that has to be accessted ?

(02) Playback

7. Navigation Tools

The anchor watch enables you to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and to watch the anchor


What color is used on the chart when using this feature

(02) Red

8. which button do you use to install ENC permit

(02) (Import Cell Permit)

9. when creating a not more than clearing line, what information is displayed next to it

(02) NTM

10. Which of following will be displayed additionally when

(01) shallow contour

(04) deep contour

11. please use the ERBL Function to identity two object

Center the ERBL on the Alcatraz lighthouse (on Alcatraz island north-east of your own ship)

And arrange it with the following data

1. bearing 302, distance 1.35 nm

2. bearing 061, distance 0.70 nm

Which object can be identified ?

(02) Harding Rock Light Buoy HR

(03) San Francisco bay north channel lighted buoy 1

12. the ecdis is capable of displaying paper chart symbol as well as

Where can you change the chart symbol and what check boxes may be activated in the same window?

(01) window chart options

(04) checkbox full light line

13. center the erbl on the blossom rock lighted bell buoy BR (east of your own ship) and arrange it

With the following data

1. Bearing 295, distance 1.00 nm

2. bearing 244, distance 1.07 nm

Which object can be identified ?

(04) Alcatraz light (Lighthouse)

(05) Aquatic Park entrance Light 1

14. Note : please make sure that your ECDIS still used the default settings, especially for the safety contour

and the special condition areas. If you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings

are still set to the standard. Please replace your virtual machine via helpme the time for your test is

stopped during the procedure.

(03) Deeper water route

(05) Safety Contour

15. you are navigating in heavy weather and want to use a sea stabilized vector on your ECDIS

Please access file respective menu

Which of the following statements regarding the vectors are true ?

(01) you can activate both vectors at the same time

(04) you can add vector time marks with a custom interval

16. a port state control officer is inspecting your voyage plan, to demonstrate that your charts are up to

Date, you want to open the S-57 system chart information window and get information about one

Specific cell

Which system chart information can you find ?

(02) Compilation scale

(04) Agency

(06) Update history

17. what information is added on the chart, when you switch from base to standard display category ?

(05) Light

(06) Chart scale boundary

18. what of the following will be displayed additionally, when activating the 4 depth shades mode ?

(01) shallow contour

(04) deep contour

19. before creating new routes for your ship you want to check the present parameter settings.

What are the minimum and maximum values, that can be set for the arrival radius?

(02) 0.01 nm

(05) 9.99 nm

20. you are sailing in an area with bad GPS satellite coverage to make sure all officer are aware of the

reliability of the GPS data, you want to set an HDOP Alert in the ECDIS

it is possible to set a threshold limit that will trigger an alert if the HDOP limit is exceeded

is it possible ? if yes, what is the possible limit that can be set for HDOP limit ?

(04) 10

Lanjutan Soal Jawab ECDIS JRC

21. you received ENC’s from a local chart supplier during your port stay and inserted CD/DVD or external

Flash drive

Which button do you use, to install ENC permits ?

(02) (Import Cell Permit)

22. which of the following information is NOT displayed in the system alert log ?

(04) advice

(06) Type

23. which of the following statement regarding the two available look ahead areas are true ?

(02) the length of the look ahead vector can be adjusted in minutes or nautical miles

(04) if activated the look ahead area is always displayed in the chart area

24. the ECDIS is very depended on sensor input and displays the most relevant information to use during

The voyage.

Which sensor information is can be displayed in the display panel ?

(04) heading

(05) STW

25. get an ENC update report of the installed ENC’s

Which tabs can you choose in the ENC update report widow ?

(01) Summary

(03) status report

26. an inspector asks you to show him the available logs on your ECDIS

Access the relevant function

How is the third column in the window labeled ?

(02) TIME

27. Which of the following statement regarding the security lock is NOT true ?

(04) the ECDIS will run perfectly without the dongle fitted

28. please make sure the restricted area (special condition area) check box deactivated

Adjust and display the lock ahead sector with the following parameters

Radius 20 minutes

With 40

Following the change what alerts are triggered by the system and is found in the alert list ?

(02) approaching AtoN

(03) approaching hazard

29. you are the navigational officer on board and want to compare an existing route with

Track that was actually used on that voyage therefore you want to check the past track your ECDIS

Please open the menu related to the past track of your own vessel

What is the maximum value for the past track length ?

(04) 24 hours

30. (02) total distance 2.7 nm

(05) time to go 00 : 18 h

31. you have just joined a vessel before your first watch you go to the bridge and check the chart inventory

of the ECDIS with the ENC update status report

Please access the ENC update status report

What chart status are available in the summary tab ?

(01) total

(03) up to date

(04) unknown

32. the anchor watch feature enables the user to plan and monitor the anchoring approach and watch the

Anchor status.

What shapes are used to monitor the anchorage position ?

(03) circle

33. in addition to the automatic chart updates received by email or ship mail the user has to perform some

Chart updates manually.

These can be T&P Notices or other MSI received by safety NET or Navtex

To do so the user has to enter the respective mode via which button is this mode accessed ?

(02) manual update

34. load the route around Alcatraz into monitoring

If you want to head directly fot wpt 002 what would be your BRG and DIST ?

Do not use the course readout.

(02) DIST 2.5 NM

(05) BRG 079.6

35. Please measure the distance and bearing from the Alcatraz light (on Alcatraz island north easterly of

Your own ship position at 37.49.57 N 122.25.32 W) to the blossom rock lighted bell buoy BR (easterly

Of your own ships position at 37.49.10 N 122.24.20 W) using the ERBL function

The answers are rounded to full degrees and cables

(02) Distance 1.0 NM

(05) Bearing 118

36. you are on your round trip around Alcatraz island

What is the distance and course between waypoint 1 blossom rock and waypoint 2 ?

(01) COG 026.4

(04) Distance 0.6 NM

37. On startup the user can choose from several modes.

Which of the following is NOT an available mode ?

(01) Navigation & planning

(05) playback

38. area alerts warnings will be triggered as soon as the vessels look ahead sector overlaps one or more

Prohibited or special condition area.

Which of the following alerts are area alerts ?

(03) channel

(04) fairway

39. the color presentation of the display night change due to

Monitor therefore a color differentiation test is implemented

What color is the background of box 3 ?

(03) Blue

40. which of the following are NOT available for multi view

(03) up down

(06) center view

Lanjuta Soal jawab ECDIS JRC

41. you are entering open waters and want to increase your ships course vector

ECDIS to fit the new condition

What are the maximum and minimum time values you can set for the vector ?

(01) 1 minute

(04) 60 minutes

42. During a waiting period your vessel has been drifting around the same area for some hours the set

Past track clutters your screen and you want to reduce its duration.

Please open the menu related to the past track of your own vessel.

What is the minimum value for the past track length ?

(03) 1 hour

43. calculate the TTG manually sum up the TTG value for each leg.

(01) Distance over all 91 nm

(06) time to go 06 : 28 h

44. clearing lines can be placed on the chart to assist the OOW in monitor the course

Example during close passages.

What color is used to display the clearing line ?

(03) Orange

45. you took the following bearing and range for manual positioning

Alcatraz light (on Alcatraz island north easterly of your own ship position at 37.49.57

With a range of 1.6 NM

Lime point light (at the northern end of the golden gate bridge north westerly of your at 37.49.53 N

122.28.73 W) with a true bearing of 297

Please manually fix your position

The position are rounded to one decimal

Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix

(04) 37.48.9 N 122.27.2 W

46. Please access the ENC update status report

Which information is displayed in the corresponding information tab ?

(01) ship name

(03) mmsi

47. an alert is an announcement of abnormal situation and conditions that req

What categories are the alert divided

(01) alarm

(03) warnings

(04) cautions

48. in inspector ask you to playback information from the last voyage.

Access the relevant function and select a playback file. The playback speed can be adjusted.

What are the minimum and maximum playback speed rates ?

(02) x1

(04) x10

49. fishing

(04) cable area

50. as inspector ask you to playback information from the last voyage

What is name of the button that has to be accessed ?

(01) Voyage Report

(06) Voyage recording

51. what is the signal sequence of the yellow bluff light ?

(north westerly of your ship position at 37.50.19 N 122.28.22 W)

(03) 00.6+(05.4)s

(06) 00.9+(05.4)s

52. while applying manual update, you want to display only the selected chart in the chart area, to clearly

See its borders.

Which of following check marks has to be activated / deactivated ?

(01) show chart border

(04) fix chart

53. set the safety contour value 10 m what will happen to the chart area around Alcatraz ?

Note : please set the safety contour value back to its default setting (9.0m) after you answer this


(02) safety contour value will change 13.2 m on the contour line

54. to ensure the optimal brightness setting of the display the system provides the gray scale feature.

What is the name of the button which is used access this feature ?

(05) brightness

55. to ensure to optimal brightness setting of the display the system provides the gray scale feature

What is the name of the button which is used to access this feature ?

(06) color pattern

56. during a collision avoidance maneuver one of your crew members went overboard the officer of the

watch has immediately activated the man overboard button on the ECDIS

witch information is NOT displayed in the marker window related to the incident ?

(02) range to MOB position

(03) bearing to MOB position

(06) time to go the MOB position

57. after a manual position fix you discovered a small discrepancy compared to your GPS position,

therefore you want to crosscheck and compare the accuracy of your GPS 1 with your GPS 2 sensor.

Please display the secondary position on the chart and state its color

(05) green

(06) yellow

58. on startup the user can choose from several modes which of the following is NOT an available mode

(01) navigation & planning

59. you are navigating a passenger vessel and suddenly a crew member inform you that a passenger fell

into the sea

how is the MOB symbol displayed on the ECDIS

(04) anchor

60. you are on a voyage to an anchorage area in order to be well aware of the approach to the anchorage

area and the end of your track set up the end of track alert on your ECDIS

Please access the respective menu

What are the minimum and maximum time value that can be set for the end of track warning ?

(01) 1 minute

(05) 5 minutes

61. you are taking over the watch during the handover you check the ECDIS and notice that the position

data, received from your GPS sensor shows the normal / set color.

What status is indicating by the normal / set color ?

(01) valid sensor data

62. you took the following bearing and range for manual positioning

Alcatraz light (on Alcatraz island north easterly of your own ship position at 37.49.57

With a true bearing of 068

San francisco west yacht harbour light 2

Anita rock light (south of your own ship position at 37.48.50 n

With a true bearing of 193

Please manually fix your position

The position are rounded to one decimal

Please select the answer that is closest to your position fix

(03) 37.49.0 N 122.27.1 W

63. what will happen if all position sensors are lost ?

(04) sensor status will turn orangish – yellow

(06) alert will be triggered

64. you requested a service technician for your ECDIS beforehand the technician requires the version

Number of the ECDIS app

Please select the correct version

(03) ver. 03.00

65. Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) and rhumbline (RL) distance between the

following positions

25.31.0 S / 048.31.0 W PARANAGUA

33.55.0 S / 018.25.0 E CAPE TOWN

Mark the correct answer

Distances are rounded to full nautical miles

(01) RL 3536 NM

(05) GC 3464 NM

66. Please load the route around Alcatraz info monitoring mode

What is the distance to reach WPT 009 end of route from your current ships position ?

And how long does it take with your current ship speed ?

The answer are rounded to full cables and minutes

(02) 0.3 nm

(04) 4 minutes

67. Please create a new route and measure the great circle (GC) and rhumbline (RL) distance between the

following positions

36.51. S auckland

32.43. S san diego

Mark the correct answer

Distances are rounded to full nautical miles

(02) RL 5674 NM

(05) GC 5649 NM

68. based on the recent communications you need to delete a manual update on the chart area

How is a deleted object displayed on the chart ?

(01) a deleted object is crossed with orange lines

69. Please load the route Around Alcatraz

Which of the following dangers are listed for leg 002-003 ?

Note : please make sure that your ECDIS still used the default settings, especially for the safety contour

and the special condition areas. If you have changed these settings or you are not sure if the settings

are still set to the standard. Please replace your virtual machine via helpme the time for your test is

stopped during the procedure.

(01) AtoN

(06) Restricted Area

70. during the planning of your voyage, you want to leave a note to the watch officer to call the captain

at a specific position

add a user object on the chart area, through the user maps

the comment should be CALL MASTER and the object should be placed at the position 37.49.13 N

122.28.10 W

Which user object types exist ?

(01) Symbol

(05) Area


Ini merupakan jawaban-jawaban dari soal-soal yang paling sering keluar ketika kita menghadapi ujian ECDIS JRC, sebagai pengalaman saya pribadi ketika join di perusahaan yang mengharuskan saya memiliki sertifikat ini.

Agar tidak membuat teman-teman bingung bahwa jawabannya adalah yang tercetak tebal pada setiap soal yang terterah di atas. Setiap soal pada ujian ECDIS JRC secara online memiliki option jawaban yang banyak namun yang saya tuliskan pada soal di atas hanyalah option yang merupakan jawaban.

Ini merupakan hal yang penting dan harus teman-teman lewati dengan sukses karena Sertifikat ECDIS JRC harus dimiliki oleh setiap deck officer ketika berada di atas kapal dengan ECDIS type JRC. Apabilah sudah sukses menghadapi ujian maka akan terbit sertifikatnya.

Keuntungan dalam mengikuti diklat online dari pada ECDIS JRC adalah kita akan mendapatkan sertifikat yang berlaku seumur hidup, dan dapat juga digunkan pada semua perusahaan.

Ketika ada inspeksi atau pemeriksaan kapal seperti SIRE inspection dan PSC maka tentunya setiap officer dan mualim akan diperiksa sertifikat ECDIS-nya dan akan menjadi suatu observation ketika ada salah satu officer tidak memiliki sertifikat ECDIS spesifik. Jika di atas kapal menggunakan ECDIS type JRC maka harus memiliki sertifikat yang sah dan spesifik pada ECDIS JRC. 

Apabilah ada teman-teman yang memiliki soal jawab tentang ujian yang berhubungan dengan ECDIS JRC silahkan hubungi kontak yang tersedia pada website ini, untuk kami gunakan sebagai perbaikan artikel ini, demi manfaat untuk para pelaut secara khusus bagi deck officer.

Saya sebagai penulis artikel tentang soal jawab ECDIS JRC, sangat berharap tulisan ini dapat membantu teman-teman dalam menghadapi ujian online dan sesegera mungkin mendapatkan sertifikat ECDIS JRC, Terimakasih dan salam pelaut. 

Yakob Taruklangi
Yakob Taruklangi Hi, I am Yakob Taruklangi, I am seafarer working onboard tanker ship as Deck Officer. I have been working since 2019. My hobby is writing and sharing experience with other specially for marine industry, shipping and life at sea.

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